12th June 2.30pm
The owners of Manor Farm in Langridge have a rare passion for the wild flowers and meadows. The farm is the oldest and largest producers of wild seeds in the British Isles and holds a Royal Warrant for the supply of wild seeds since 2014. As they say on their website “We believe in the power of a family structure, we’re more than a business; we’re a family on a mission”.
The farm near Bath consists of a patchwork of small fields managed as meadow and pasture, grazed by shire horses, sheep and cattle and 30 acres of wild species row crops. The grasslands are species-rich and diverse, and are managed under Environmental Stewardship. You will be shown wild flowers grown in rows and sown over hay meadows - a beautiful sight. They will talk about the farm and the processes they used during their forty years experience to develop the wild flower meadows. You can also meet their 19 shire horses who live and work on the farm with them.
A buggy is available to help anyone with mobility issues. (Please let me know on [email protected] ).
Up to four tickets can be booked by WA members. Your ticket price includes teatime refreshments.